zondag 27 februari 2011

#9. Sky's the limit

They say every tear has its reasons, every smile has it owns seasons.

zaterdag 26 februari 2011

dinsdag 22 februari 2011

#5. Along the road

You need a higher resolution to picture my life.

#4. You'll find it in me

1. The camera on the left is the first digital camera I ever bought, the camera on the right is the last (digital) camera I bought. But it's not the camera I take all my photos with, 'cause last Octobre I bought my DSRL. 2. Nothing to say about it. 3. Some jewelry

maandag 21 februari 2011

#3. Coming home

My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

zondag 20 februari 2011

#2. On the other side

Gravity, take us wherever, as long as we're together.

#1. Introduce me

Hello, I'm Yasmine, a 15 year old girl from the Netherlands. Some of you might know me, some of you won't. Haha. Well, on this blog I will post everything that has to do something with one of my most lovely passions; photography. I hope you will all enjoy my blog and I will work really very hard to make this blog a big success which is worth to visit every single day :) Love, x

Ps. On facebook I've got an album with my dearest photos from last year. Check them out here.